北美自由贸易协定: 墨西哥,美国,加拿大.(通过Sylodium, 全球  导入导出 目录).

Mexico will focus in competing with China and other lower-cost manufacturers, tapping  The higher price of fuel that get more expensive the goods from Asia to North American companies, the reason they are preferring some goods  from Mexico.

NAFTA, tried to avoid that Mexicans went to USA to work, however 11 million of Mexicans now are living in the US without legal authorization to work. 

Further The NAFTA agreement will be involved in  the Trans-Pacific Partnership (Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam)  a new trade deal that should include harmonization of labor and environmental standards and focus on better manufacturing integration. 

Mexico should improve the administration of justice and confidence in the legal sector, promote more investment in high-technology industries and creating more incentives for foreign direct investment to ensure a robust growth in the next years. 

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